August Wier

We’re here to help.

You don’t have to struggle alone when in crisis about a life issue or suffer overwhelming guilt about contributing to a past decision, such as abortion.

Call Now: 888-217-8679

Our Services

After Abortion Care

If you struggle with a past abortion decision, we're here for you. Men and women often experience regret, grief, anger, and confusion after an abortion and don't always understand why. We can help. There is forgiveness, grace, hope, and restoration available for you, no matter your past or story.

Pregnancy Assistance

An unplanned pregnancy can be overwhelming and scary, but support is available to you! We provide relationship, information, and referrals to help ease the burden and cares brought on by an unplanned pregnancy. Don't struggle alone. There's help available!

Spiritual Care

Through Bible studies, individual counseling, support groups, we provide for the spiritual needs of those who come to us struggling with an unplanned pregnancy or a past abortion.

There is healing and there is hope.

Frequently Asked Questions