If you are in a crisis situation, have had an abortion, are pregnant right now, or have been hurt by someone: At Word of Hope, you will find hope. Please contact us a 888.217.8679 or info@word-of-hope.org.


We all have grieved the loss of someone at some point in our lives. Nothing could be more painful than the death of a child.

But if you have lost a child prematurely, or were part of an abortion decision, it’s easy to not give yourself permission to grieve, especially if you don’t know how to grieve.

When you were faced with a crisis pregnancy it was an overwhelming time, with a tremendous amount of fear and anxiety about your situation. Like many other women you sought what appeared to be the “simplest solution” to your crisis. Since abortion is legally and socially sanctioned, it seemed the best choice for you to make, even though you felt you may be violating your own personal beliefs.

Immediately after your procedure, you probably felt great relief that the crisis was over. But now the struggle with your personal beliefs that you felt prior to the abortion may be starting to resurface. The realization that you can’t go back and “undo” the abortion may fill you with regrets. You’re not alone; many women who have had abortions have said, “It has been very painful dealing with this all on my own. I don’t want anyone to know what I have done.”

An abortion is an experience that goes beyond our physical and emotional being. It penetrates deep into the heart of our spiritual life. How do you grieve the death of an unborn child when the decision to abort seemed to be so right at the time? After all, it is legal; it must be all right. Why can’t you stop thinking about the abortion? Why the feeling of emptiness? Who can free you from this hurt and pain?

There is forgiveness in Jesus Christ. You may struggle to believe that for many years to come but we are here to assure you that you are loved by God and also by us. Let us help.