“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” (Psalm 147:3)
Word of Hope and Lutherans For Life offer resources for those struggling with an abortion decision through our friends at Concordia Publishing House.
If you ever have questions about any material you’ve come across, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Call 888.217.8679 or email info@word-of-hope.org.
“There are many people hurting all around you, silently suffering from abuse and abortion. Many don’t know that we are here to help, to allow post-abortive men and women to see the love, hope, and healing power of Jesus Christ. When the hurting have walked through the healing process they then can speak out, impassioned to take their message of pain and healing to the world around them, perpetuating the truth of the harmfulness of abortion .” ~Grace Kern, former director of Word of Hope.
For more information, or if you need to take the first step to recovery, please call 888.217.8679.