This is a Bible study on what it means to be marked by God. More specifically, the mark received in Baptism that proclaims who you are and whose you are.
First, we consider a variety of terms associated with being marked and their usage in Scripture to gain a deeper understanding of “what does this mean – being marked.” We will also reference some familiar Bible stories that provide Christocentric context to the visible marks identifying God’s people and the signs pointing toward their promised Savior.
Next, we will explore the Sacrament of Baptism and the Scriptural meaning of individual acts in the Rite of Baptism that signifies someone as belonging to the Lord. A brief look at sections of Revelation will illuminate the comfort we have in being marked by God when Christ comes again to fulfill His promises. Until then, we live in a fallen world, and we benefit from knowing we are not of this world. Therefore, our Bible study will conclude with various ways we may continually remember what God did for you in Baptism.
“Invisible suffering is often worse than visible suffering. Yet, God is aware of all our suffering and He gives it purpose. As such, those who are suffering, visibly or silently, are indispensable.”